I have a world size currently of 76 MB. Can someone review the below and tell me if there are other ways I can improve performance? I moved 90% actors, scenes, etec to compendiums and after exporting the world it breaks out as follows:
How do you deal with the issue that anytime you move an actor from your compendium to a scene, it creates a new actor in the local actors folders? Seems to me that you’d just continually have the same problem over and over again. This would be a case of fixing the symptoms, and not curing the problem.
Wouldn’t this still cause the same issue? The actors db would grow as you move actors to it, causing the actors.db bloat, in turn causing loading issues. How do you work around that?
It will add to the size, certainly, but it wouldn’t have 1 actor entry for every scene, you would have 1 Actor for the world, used in however many scenes. Not at all an issue in that case, unless you import obscene numbers of actors.
my actors data in the export world folder in 24945kb almost 25mb is that normal?
i exported the files and opened it in notepad but its just a long scribble of texts i dont find any repititions.
can i just delete it and import wizard it back?
@aeristoka Thank you for this very helpful advice. I’m just flagging that I have tried to follow it today and haven’t been able to as the downloaded world’s “data” folder has quite a different structure (no individual .db files for actors, etc., but folders with multiple files instead). I suspect this is due to Forge’s update to Foundry v11.
You are correct, I will make a note to update this documentation for v11.
v11 significantly changes the way that databases work in Foundry, no longer using NeDB .db files but rather LevelDB folders which contain the database.
On Windows, explorer does not show folder sizes because it can be slow, so unfortunately you would need to r-click → properties to check each individual folder. Optionally, I also like to use a tool called WinDirStat, pictured here:
Much of the same logic applies as with before v11:
World compendiums (/packs folder) and the fog database still aren’t loaded on the first world loading step, and if you experience slow loading, you may want to archive some of your unused actors, scenes or items to a shared compendium.
However, database corruption and the long repeats that could sometimes happen in NeDB should no longer be a problem in v11, so there should be no need to unpack the databases to read/fix the data inside.