PF2E - Failed to connect to database

Hey @djole :wave:

This is likely due to v11 requiring compendium packs to specify type rather than entity.
This is a change that affects and compendiums that were made during early v10 or before v10, so it’s possible it’s what’s going on here.

You export your shared compendiums, export them from Forge and look inside them for their module.json files.

Look for packs and check to make sure it has type, not entity. It can have both type and entity, so long as it has type.


If this is indeed the problem, then you can add the type manually and save the module.json file, then use the Import Wizard to import that compendium package back up to Forge, where it should now work :slight_smile:

Hope that helps! Let me know if you get stuck on something or if that is not it