ALL THESE MODS ARE OLD AND DUMB. See my new post here:
— UPDATED AUG 9, 2020 —
- Added in some new modules and denoted them with a
- Separated out modules into the must-have, core, and resource-intensive categories
- Alphabetized
I’ve gotten some questions about what Mods I use on the discord, so I thought I’d make a quick post summarizing what I use and why here on the forums. It’s a lot. I feel like my Foundry is more Mod than Core at this point.
If I had to pick 5 modules to bring with me to a desert island, these are the ones I'd install. And also, I'd take 6.Tidy UI Game Settings Does some QOL in the settings and modules menus; alphabetizes modules and settings, optionally hides descriptions, and adds in a search bar
- Combat Utility Belt Various combat utilities; I use it mostly for conditions and concentration checks; I’ve added in some custom conditions like Enraged, (Bardically) Inspired, and Advantage/Disadvantage using icons from beyond20 or
- Deselection Allows me to deselect tokens without drag+clicking
- Permission Viewer Must have; I can tell at a glance who has access to a journal or actor with colored dots; I rainbow order my players; DM is red, then the rest are OYGBIV in alphabetical order
- Token Mold Easy consistent setup of tokens when I drag them onto the map; it also gives hilarious nicknames; see the fertile rat
- VTTA D&D Beyond Integration Easily port over NPCs, PCs, and Journal entries (and sometimes scenes)
Better Roll Tables Adds in some QOL for rollable tables like drag and drop and creating loot and store actors.
Forien’s Custom Fonts Adds in some font variety to the drawing tools
Forien’s Quest Log Quest tracking in-game
Group Initiative I like my monsters to go on the same turn as a group by monster type; this module enables this optional rule
Multilevel Tokens Used for easy teleporting as well as some cool balcony or cliff features
Parallaxia Used to set up some cool tile effects like moving water or a moving background for a ship or train background
Pings Other users prefer this module over Pointer; I like the ping feature better but I also miss the giant finger
Token Action HUD Adds in a moveable set of buttons that can access a character’s weapons spells and features without opening the character sheet
Token HUD Wildcard Used with the token wildcard feature to make multi-sided token; what makes this module awesome is that I can set a default side to use, so for my changeling, the default side is his natural form and then I can easily switch to any of his predefined tokens/forms without opening the edit token dialog
Turn Alert Used to track how long conditions and spell effects last in combat
- Actually Private Rolls Obsfucates private DM rolls from players
- Beyond20 module with extension Integrates beyond20 rolls into the foundry for the one person who refuses to install it
- Chat Portrait Adds coloring and portraits to chat message
- Combat Ready Puts a timer on my players so they don’t take 8 minutes on their turn
- Cursor Hider I don’t want players seeing where I’m moving my tokens, so I hide my pointer; I put it on GM only
- Dice Tray For random rolls and my players who can’t parse the /roll commands
- Dynamic Effects Needed for Minor QOL and Trigger Happy
- Fantasy UI Gives Foundry a fancy coat of paint
- Follow Me So the players can designate one person to be on point and then follow nicely behind in marching order without getting lost
- Foundry Token Patroller Allows me to set up some cool random encounters; this map had some patrolling scrying eyes that creeped out my players
- Group Roll For rolling saves for large groups when the mage drops a fireball
- Health Estimate Players can tell at a glance which guy they’ve already done damage to so I don’t have to waste time telling them
- Jinker’s Animated Art Pack Installed, but not enabled; these are the textures I use with M.E.S.S.
- Let Me Roll That For You I can prompt players for perception checks with this
- M.E.S.S. (Moerill’s Enhancing Super Suite) I like the spell template auto-texture feature
- Minor QOL Damage Buttons and some automation with Trigger Happy’s traps
- Mount Up Allows things to carry other things
- Pointer Allows me to ping the map and easily reveal my point only when I want to
- Polyglot Useful when creatures are talking about the players
- The Furnace is a module. Just kidding, I use the token vision all the time and the journal split has saved me a lot of time on my r20 imports
- Torch gives a clickable to turn lights on and off; I could use the macro, but I don’t
- Trigger Happy Used for teleporting and traps
- Turn Marker Gives players a visual indicator of who is going on the map and also marks starting position in case they change their minds about movement
- VTTA Iconizer When importing characters, it replaces the mystery man icon with cool icons from a database; I use the WoW ones
- VTTA Tokenizer with some custom token frames in my asset library; used to make all my NPC tokens
Token Magic FX Adds in some awesome token specific FX like shields, blur, electricity, etc.; I use it to add some pizazz to my spell effects
- Dice So Nice! So my players can feel like they’re actually rolling dice
- FX Master Used the stars weather pattern to simulate “dungeon dust”; I’ve also used colored versions of the rain, fog, clouds, and embers to great effect in my Avernus campaign
- Mini map Provides an overview of the entire scene and the ability to move around quickly
Other Resources
I run pre-made adventures from D&D Beyond and require my players to create their characters there. I’ve got the legendary bundle and a Master Tier subscription, so I share all my resources with them.
I do some light graphic design for some portraits, tokens, tiles, and other random stuff using Google Slides. Set the background to transparent and download the slide as a PNG.
The map is made in Dungeondraft using an overlay of the original Dungeon of the Mad Mage maps. I’m working on level 2 currently and actually plan to split up the map so it doesn’t look quite so pixelated when I blow it up.