ALL THESE MODS ARE OLD AND DUMB. See my new post here:
— UPDATED AUG 9, 2020 —
- Added in some new modules and denoted them with a tag
- Separated out modules into the must-have, core, and resource-intensive categories
- Alphabetized
I’ve gotten some questions about what Mods I use on the discord, so I thought I’d make a quick post summarizing what I use and why here on the forums. It’s a lot. I feel like my Foundry is more Mod than Core at this point.
If I had to pick 5 modules to bring with me to a desert island, these are the ones I'd install. And also, I'd take 6.- Tidy UI Game Settings Does some QOL in the settings and modules menus; alphabetizes modules and settings, optionally hides descriptions, and adds in a search bar
- Combat Utility Belt Various combat utilities; I use it mostly for conditions and concentration checks; I’ve added in some custom conditions like Enraged, (Bardically) Inspired, and Advantage/Disadvantage using icons from beyond20 or
- Deselection Allows me to deselect tokens without drag+clicking
- Permission Viewer Must have; I can tell at a glance who has access to a journal or actor with colored dots; I rainbow order my players; DM is red, then the rest are OYGBIV in alphabetical order
- Token Mold Easy consistent setup of tokens when I drag them onto the map; it also gives hilarious nicknames; see the fertile rat
- VTTA D&D Beyond Integration Easily port over NPCs, PCs, and Journal entries (and sometimes scenes)
- Better Roll Tables Adds in some QOL for rollable tables like drag and drop and creating loot and store actors.
- Forien’s Custom Fonts Adds in some font variety to the drawing tools
- Forien’s Quest Log Quest tracking in-game
- Group Initiative I like my monsters to go on the same turn as a group by monster type; this module enables this optional rule
- Multilevel Tokens Used for easy teleporting as well as some cool balcony or cliff features
- Parallaxia Used to set up some cool tile effects like moving water or a moving background for a ship or train background
- Pings Other users prefer this module over Pointer; I like the ping feature better but I also miss the giant finger
- Token Action HUD Adds in a moveable set of buttons that can access a character’s weapons spells and features without opening the character sheet
- Token HUD Wildcard Used with the token wildcard feature to make multi-sided token; what makes this module awesome is that I can set a default side to use, so for my changeling, the default side is his natural form and then I can easily switch to any of his predefined tokens/forms without opening the edit token dialog
- Turn Alert Used to track how long conditions and spell effects last in combat
- Actually Private Rolls Obsfucates private DM rolls from players
- Beyond20 module with extension Integrates beyond20 rolls into the foundry for the one person who refuses to install it
- Chat Portrait Adds coloring and portraits to chat message
- Combat Ready Puts a timer on my players so they don’t take 8 minutes on their turn
- Cursor Hider I don’t want players seeing where I’m moving my tokens, so I hide my pointer; I put it on GM only
- Dice Tray For random rolls and my players who can’t parse the /roll commands
- Dynamic Effects Needed for Minor QOL and Trigger Happy
- Fantasy UI Gives Foundry a fancy coat of paint
- Follow Me So the players can designate one person to be on point and then follow nicely behind in marching order without getting lost
- Foundry Token Patroller Allows me to set up some cool random encounters; this map had some patrolling scrying eyes that creeped out my players
- Group Roll For rolling saves for large groups when the mage drops a fireball
- Health Estimate Players can tell at a glance which guy they’ve already done damage to so I don’t have to waste time telling them
- Jinker’s Animated Art Pack Installed, but not enabled; these are the textures I use with M.E.S.S.
- Let Me Roll That For You I can prompt players for perception checks with this
- M.E.S.S. (Moerill’s Enhancing Super Suite) I like the spell template auto-texture feature
- Minor QOL Damage Buttons and some automation with Trigger Happy’s traps
- Mount Up Allows things to carry other things
- Pointer Allows me to ping the map and easily reveal my point only when I want to
- Polyglot Useful when creatures are talking about the players
- The Furnace is a module. Just kidding, I use the token vision all the time and the journal split has saved me a lot of time on my r20 imports
- Torch gives a clickable to turn lights on and off; I could use the macro, but I don’t
- Trigger Happy Used for teleporting and traps
- Turn Marker Gives players a visual indicator of who is going on the map and also marks starting position in case they change their minds about movement
- VTTA Iconizer When importing characters, it replaces the mystery man icon with cool icons from a database; I use the WoW ones
- VTTA Tokenizer with some custom token frames in my asset library; used to make all my NPC tokens
- Token Magic FX Adds in some awesome token specific FX like shields, blur, electricity, etc.; I use it to add some pizazz to my spell effects
- Dice So Nice! So my players can feel like they’re actually rolling dice
- FX Master Used the stars weather pattern to simulate “dungeon dust”; I’ve also used colored versions of the rain, fog, clouds, and embers to great effect in my Avernus campaign
- Mini map Provides an overview of the entire scene and the ability to move around quickly
Other Resources
I run pre-made adventures from D&D Beyond and require my players to create their characters there. I’ve got the legendary bundle and a Master Tier subscription, so I share all my resources with them.
I do some light graphic design for some portraits, tokens, tiles, and other random stuff using Google Slides. Set the background to transparent and download the slide as a PNG.
The map is made in Dungeondraft using an overlay of the original Dungeon of the Mad Mage maps. I’m working on level 2 currently and actually plan to split up the map so it doesn’t look quite so pixelated when I blow it up.