D&D Beyond Integration

That did it. And yeah, I noticed the screenshot does not have the right module listed. Thanks for the help!

@kakaroto I just tried importing Forge of Fury, along with the Dungeon Master’s Guide, Player’s Handbook, and Monster Manual. Once it finished, it just started scrolling red errors. They were scrolling so fast that I didn’t catch most of them. If you can tell me where to find those errors, I can pull them for you. But, it stops me from importing any more because of the errors being thrown.

Hey there :wave:

Are you using the latest versions of both Chrome and the Extension?

Make sure that there isn’t another extension running that could be interfering with the process, and please post a screenshot of the errors you see! Thanks!

You should be able to spot the errors in your dev tools console (F12) if you have it open before starting the import process.

Hi. Yes, latest extension and browser. It’s basically one error over and over for any book that has actors. Let me know if you need any more information.

I have the console log file from when I attempted to import the DM Guide. Doesn’t appear that I can upload it though. If you’d like it, let me know.

Hey there

Thanks, I’ve confirmed it’s happening due to the new dnd5e 2.1.x breaking changes which brings stricter model validation, which is currently not met on certain [Actor5e.items], with the error being that [FeatData.activation.type]: may not be null. This seems to cause the specific character with the error not to import. Thanks for reporting this!

A workaround for the moment would be to set your dnd5e system version to 2.0.3, then do the import, and then either stay on 2.0.3 or switch back to 2.1.x to let the dnd5e system handle the migrations

Hi There,
Just to notice a problem with the import of Lost Mine of Phandelver Module.
When I try to activate the Redbrand Hideout, the screen remains black with theses errors :

It seems that there are some errors in the model conversion.

The referenced object in error that seems to cause issues is the following :

Redbrand Ruffian

Hey there :wave:

We’ve found the root of that issue and it will be fixed soon in an upcoming update.
To fix the model validation issues, please run this macro / script in your world.

for (const id of game.actors.invalidDocumentIds) {
    const actor = game.actors.getInvalid(id);

    ui.notifications.info(`Fixing ${actor.name} (${actor.uuid})`);

    await actor.update(actor.toObject(), { diff: false })

for (const scene of game.scenes) {
    for (const token of scene.tokens) {
        if (!token.id) {

        const actorId = token.actorId;
        const baseActor = game.actors.get(actorId)
            ?? (game.actors.invalidDocumentIds.has(actorId)
                ? game.actors.getInvalid(actorId) : null);

        if (!baseActor) {

        const overrides = getDocumentClass("Actor").schema.clean(token.actorData, { partial: true });
        const actorData = foundry.utils.mergeObject(baseActor.toObject(), overrides);
        const actor = getDocumentClass("Actor").fromSource(foundry.utils.deepClone(actorData), { parent: token });
        const fixedActorData = foundry.utils.filterObject(actor.toObject(), token.actorData);
        const diffActorData = foundry.utils.diffObject(token.actorData, fixedActorData);

        if (foundry.utils.isEmpty(diffActorData)) {

        ui.notifications.info(`Fixing ${token.name} (${token.uuid})`);

        if (token.actorLink) {
            await token.update({ actorData: diffActorData }, { diff: false });
        } else {
            await token.update({ actorLink: true }, { diff: false });
            await token.update({ actorLink: false, actorData: diffActorData }, { diff: false });


(Thanks to the folks over on the Foundry Discord for the script!)

Sorry for the quick double-post, just wanted to make sure @zigmund got the notification for the previous post :slight_smile:

Thanks @phi for the fix.
I’ll try to run the script and give you a feedback ASAP.

Script applied and it seems to work like a charm.
You saved me a lot of time as I was planing to rebuild the missing scenes. :+1:

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Happy to help and glad it worked!

Hi, sorry if you’ve covered this and I missed it. I currently have MrPrimate’s DDB Importer module and it works great except for one snag that I’m hoping might not exist with the KaKaRoTo version. Basically, I run 2-week campaigns for kids and will need to import a new party of PCs every two weeks from DBB. MrPrimate’s importer has a known issue with Foundry 11 where you have to delete the compendium and reinstall everything when you buy new stuff on DBB. Does your module have the same issue? What would happen if I had both modules installed, and what is the best somultion for doing regular PC imports? Thanks!

Our integration doesn’t support character sheet imports. I think MrPrimate’s works great and there is no need to duplicate that effort. Our integration is only for conversion of books. You can give it a try with the Basic Rules and Lost Mine of Phandelver, which can give you a good idea of how our system works for free.
There shouldn’t be any conflicts between our imported books and MrPrimate’s importer, but if you’re looking for PC imports, MrPrimate’s importer is the only thing that supports it.
I hope that helps.

Does the $5 tier book import work for Monsters of the Multiverse? I keep getting a “beta access required” message. I’m trying to import all the monsters.
I also get this message from importing the Player’s Handbook and Dungeon of the Mad Mage and I know I own those.

solved. The universal term for the tier with access is Experienced Player, not Player tier - which is the $5 in my currency and it doesn’t work. So get Experienced Player tier for DDB book/sourcebook download access and it works with shared content.

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Hello. I add a subscription and I am planning to use the DDB Integration, as mentioned here. However, when I imported the Lost Mine of Phandelver, the walls, lighintings and the rest is not there anymore. Is it a bug or the DDB Integration does not import that anymore?

It’s currently a bug in Foundry v11. I believe the next v11 release will not have that issue anymore and we’re trying to get an update on the dndbeyond converter to work around the issue in the meantime.

Hi Kakaroto!

I’m very new on this topic. What is the main difference between Beyond The Forge browser addon, and DnD Beyond integration? Can I use my DnD Beyond content with Beyond The Forge, while your integration project is in beta phase?

Thanks for your hard work!