Save Points

Save Points

Save Points is a Forge-exclusive feature. With it, you are able to access and restore old versions of your worlds, whether its via automatic backups, manual saves, or autosaves, all within The Forge’s UI- no need to import and export internal files! This even includes the ability to restore deleted worlds!

While we do automatic backups for all users, we can only offer users the ability to access Save Points at the World Builder tier. Users of lower tiers can still manually back up their worlds by downloading them, which we explain how to do here.

Note: The Save Points feature only creates backups of your worlds, and will not back up your assets library, or shared compendiums.

How Backups Work

We backup user worlds in a variety of different ways, including ways that the account owner can control. We explain each of them below.

Automatic Backups

We make automatic backups on The Forge. You can access these automatic backups to restore deleted worlds and previous versions of a world. However, these automatic backups are system-wide, and as a result even determining if a world can restore from the automatic backup can take some time to load in.

We automatically keep more recent backups than we do older backups. Because of this relative frequency, longer loading time, and lack of user control over when these backups are saved, we only recommend restoring from automatic backups for deleted worlds, or as an option of last resort. Restoring from these saves may result in lost progress for that campaign/world.

Note: Automatic backups are tied to the region that they were created in. If you recently switched regions, you may need to look for the automatic backup in the region that you were in on that date.

Manual Saves

The owner of the account can manually save a Foundry VTT world at a specific point in time. This can be useful for doing before an update, or before an important event in a campaign.

Users can make a manual save of a world by taking the following steps:

  1. (a) If the Game Manager is enabled, navigate to your Forge Setup Menu
    1.1. Select the world you want to manually save
    1.2. Select the Save Points button under the Game Tools menu, as pictured below:

  2. (b) If the Game Manager is disabled, navigate to the Save Points page
    2.1. Select the “Browse Save Points” tab

    2.2. Select the world you want to manually save

  3. (Optional) Provide a name for the save in the Save Name field. Otherwise, it will be saved as “Manual Save”.

  4. Select the green Save button. You will now have a manual save that you can restore your world to!


AutoSaving is one of the coolest features with the Save Points functionality! You can set a world to make autosaves, which will automatically create save points whenever a world:

  • Has been idled for one hour, or is manually stopped by the account owner.
  • Right before a world is restored to a previous save point.
  • And whenever the user upgrades the world to a newer major version of Foundry VTT.

We retain up to 200 of these autosaves per world, ensuring max flexibility in world restoration, and removing the burden of having to make manual saves for the GM.

We explain how to set it up here.

How to restore a Save Point

Of course, backups are nothing without the ability to restore from them. We explain how to restore from these backups below.

Recovering a deleted world

Deleted worlds can be recovered from automatic backups that The Forge makes. As we warned earlier in this article, restoring from an automatic backup will mean restoring from a prior date that may result in lost data/progress in a world.

To restore a deleted world, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Save Points page.
  2. Select the Recover Deleted World tab, if it is not already selected.
  3. If the deleted world had a Save Point before it was deleted, then it will be listed and you’ll be able to restore from the latest Save Point of that world
  4. If you did not have a Save Point for the deleted world, then you can select one of the available dates from our Automatic Backups to search for deleted worlds in that backup.
  5. Select the world you wish to restore, by clicking the blue icon to its right (pictured below):
  6. It will ask if you wish to restore the backup of the world. Select Ok.
  7. After a few seconds, the backup should be restored. You will receive confirmation of its success after it is done!

Restoring to a previous save point

Worlds can be restored or cloned from previous versions. This can be useful if an updated system, module, or Foundry VTT version ruined or disrupted a world, or when GMs wish to reuse a world before it was altered by running it for players.

To restore a world to a previous save point, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Save Points page.
  2. Select the Browse Save Points tab, if it is not already selected.
  3. Select the world you want to restore to a previous point.
  4. You will be shown a popup menu displaying the saves available for that world.
  5. Select the Revert icon for the point you wish to restore the world to.
  6. You will be given a prompt asking you to confirm that you wish to restore to that version of the world. Select Ok.
  7. After a few seconds, the world will be restored to the previous point. You will receive confirmation of this restoration.

To clone a world’s save point, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Save Points page.
  2. Select the Browse Save Points tab, if it is not already selected.
  3. Select the world you want to clone a previous save point from.
  4. You will be shown a popup menu displaying the saves available for that world.
  5. Select the Clone icon for the save point you wish to create a clone world from.
  6. You will be given a prompt asking if you wish to create a new world from the save point. Enter the folder name for this world, and select the OK button.
  7. After a few seconds, the world will be cloned. You will receive confirmation of this clone being completed. You can now browse through the cloned world!