Reset your Foundry VTT Game/World Password


By default, Foundry VTT allows the GM to create users within a game, and create access keys (which work like passwords, but are less secure).

These users and “passwords” are not bound to an account system. They do not tie into your Foundry Gaming account (the company through which a Foundry VTT key is purchased). They do not tie into a Forge VTT account either- our User Manager feature simply skips the default login process for Foundry VTT.

These users and their “passwords” (access keys) are set by the Gamemaster for a game. For this reason, we do not recommend using a password for a Foundry VTT game that is used in an actual account.

How to reset your Game Passwords/Access Keys

You can reset the access keys for your game/world by taking the following steps:

Without Game Manager enabled :

  1. Navigate to your world selection screen in Foundry (select “Return to Setup”).
  2. Navigate to the affected world in the world selection screen, and select the “Edit World” button (On Foundry v11, right click on the world).
  3. On the menu that pops up, select/check the box that says “Reset User Access Keys” or “Reset User Passwords”.
  4. Finally, select the bottom “Update World” button.
  5. Login to the world without inputting an access key. The issue should now be fixed, and you can now set new user access keys.

With Game Manager enabled :

  1. Navigate to the Forge Game Configuration page.

  2. Select the affected world’s tab in the setup menu.

  3. On the right side, under “Game Tools”, navigate to and select the “Configure Players” button.

  4. Under the menu that pops up, select the yellow “Reset Player Passwords” button.

  5. Finally, login to the world without a password. The issue should now be fixed, and you can now set new user access keys.