Large World warning

Hey guys,

Just looking for a bit of advice, perhaps I’m missing something, but I have looked over the various posts discussing this and can’t seem to find something that covers my question.

When looking at my World, I get a warning stating Large Size detected and it shows 101mb. This was 55mb or something before I upgraded to v12, but now its doubled, but that’s probably a different problem.

I then download my world and in the folders, my data folder is only 9.4mb but my packs are 90+mb. Can anyone help me understand what causes this as I thought compendiums didn’t take up space on your world or am I misunderstanding the folder structure?

Thank you!

Hi there :wave:

Compendiums are not loaded up at world start like the world data is, but they are still stored inside of the world’s folder in user data and will take up storage space.

The warning is based on space taken up, with the understanding that larger storage footprints are more likely to run into slow loading issues, but this isn’t always a 1:1.

The warning is simply letting you know that there is a lot of data in that world, but if you are not running into slow world loading issues with this, then there is no cause for concern.

One thing that might help you save storage space if the world compendiums carry data that you would like to have accessible to multiple words, is to move the data in them to a shared compendium module which you can share between multiple worlds. That will lower the world’s storage footprint, and also let you get access to those compendiums from other worlds.

Hope that helps!