Foundry VTT setup not loading

Trying to launch my foundry, at [myworld] and just have a blank page with the Foundry Logo. I was able to launch the world successfully earlier today.

I’ve been having similar problems trying to get on this evening. After a few tries, I was able to get past this screen and launch my world, but doing so just brought me to a blank page with the small Foundry logo at the top left.

Maybe a traffic issue?

Has this been resolved? I am currently having the same issue

Not as far as I know

I am having this problem also.

I’m having this too. At least I was only gonna do some prep stuff.

This seems to have been resolved now. I’m still investigating what might have caused it, and I’m keeping an eye out for it in case it happens again but it seems to work now again. sorry for the small hiccup! :bowing_man:

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Yep, working for me again!

Yeah seems better now. Thanks for the quick response!

I was having this issue but no longer! Thanks.

I’m having this issue right now.

Hello! It seems we just fixed it, could you try again?

It worked! Thank you!

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Foundry setup page not loading

I found that clearing my browser’s cache and history solved this problem for me.

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Hi there, I know this thread is old but I thought this might be useful info. I just had the same problem described above, and I solved it by clearing browser cookies.

I’d been trying something out, and had logged in GM in one tab and a player in another tab. I forget exactly the route I took to the blank setup screen, but my theory is that I was viewing the setup screen as a player rather than the GM, with no way to switch user. This may not at all be the way that Forge works and might be nonsense (once a world is closed, there may be no concept of player and GM logins), but me being logged in with multiple players in the same browser leading up to the issue I thought might at least be useful info to share to help track down the problem.

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I have had this issue off and on for months with horrible load in times for a looooong time, And the clearing everything(Cache,History, and Cookies) made it where i was sitting on a grey screen to me watching them being cleared and instantly foundry poppin up to life in an instant. Praise this thread for savin my sanity, it actually had the thing that worked.

currently trying to load in to my campaign and its just showing the foundry logo on top right even the it loaded a couple minutes ago

For anyone else having this issue, go through:

World Size Check and Trouble with Modules