Will deleting monsters from dnd5e compendium delete/break the Actors they're based on?

Hey, I hope this is where I post my question.
Hey newbie question here: I already talked to DBB-Importer about a bug when updating Monsters and their suggestion was to delete all the monsters out of the compendium and then update it again since the problem is with overwriting existing items. 1) If I do this, what happens to the Actors I’ve already made out of the monsters from the compendium? And if they aren’t deleted, when I re-install the compendium will they auto-reattach? 2) Is there a fast way to do this via Forge? I was reading about exporting the world, deleting the folder once it’s on my HD, deleting the world from Foundry, and then reuploading the world; but I’m not positive that I was reading this as a solution to the right problem. Any help would be great!

Hi there :wave:

I’ll try to answer you’re questions!

  1. If I do this, what happens to the Actors I’ve already made out of the monsters from the compendium? And if they aren’t deleted, when I re-install the compendium will they auto-reattach?

Once you’ve imported a monster from a compendium, it’s no longer directly tied to the compendium. They’re detached and never need to re-attach. Compendiums are like a recipe book, and importing from compendium is like making a dish from it. Even if you toss out the book, you still have the finished dish.

You can delete content from compendiums directly in Foundry’s interface without affecting the actors you’ve already made out of monsters from the compendium.

After you re-import the compendium data, any new monster you import from the compendium might share a name with a previous actor but it will be different data.

  1. Is there a fast way to do this via Forge? I was reading about exporting the world, deleting the folder once it’s on my HD, deleting the world from Foundry, and then reuploading the world; but I’m not positive that I was reading this as a solution to the right problem.

The easiest way to do it is with Foundry’s own UI. If the compendium is unlocked, you should be able to simply delete it. I believe that ddb-importer will create the compendium if it doesn’t exist, so it will re-import everything into a fresh compendium. (If it doesn’t you can create a clean compendium in Foundry and configure settings to select that clean compendium as the target for ddb-importer in the module settings. :slight_smile: )

Hope that helps!

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Thank you, that was very clear! I was able to delete the compendium and reinstall and all my stuff is there! :smiley: