WFRP 4th Edition (Rough Nights & Hard Days Campaign book)

Game: WFRP 4th Edition (Rough Nights & Hard Days Campaign book)
Group type: Online FoundryVTT/Zoom for Voice (English speaking game)
Experience: Everyone is welcome!
Location/Timezone: 19.30 to 22.30 GMT
Schedule: Every Monday

Game style: Enjoy creating the story together as a group.
Price: £7.50/€7.50 per player per session, starting in the new year. Session zero character creation is free. Expectation of roughly 12 sessions to complete campaign book.

Character Creation

Starter Characters using the core rulebook. Careers will be agreed in session zero together to ensure it fits in with the campaign.

A little bit about me:
I’m Andrew, British, 44 years old. I’ve been into the hobby since my school days, and been a regular GM for the last 10 years for friends. My style is to have a good time telling the story together as a group, with the ethos the rules should be there to support that goal not hinder it.

Tips are always welcome if you’ve had a great time!

I use PayPal to receive payments.

We will use discord to interact with each other and FoundryVTT to play.

Feel free to ask any question you may have!