Waterdeep: Sanbox Game in the City of Splendors [Paid][20$]

:crossed_swords: Game System:
DnD 5e + Homebrew

:calendar: When do you play:

Game 1: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - Noon-ish Sat Weekly Campaign
Starting once we have 4 players (1 slot filled).
Check adjusted for your TZ:
Play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Online | Waterdeep: Dragon Heist! | Intrigue and Riches as a Portal into the Forgotten Realms (startplaying.games)

Game 1: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - Evening Thu Weekly Campaign.
Starting once we have 4 players
Check adjusted for you TZ:
Play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Online | Waterdeep: Dragon Heist! | Intrigue and Riches as a Portal into the Forgotten Realms (startplaying.games)

:scroll: Brief Description of the game/setting/premise:
I’ve been a DM & game designer for over 20 years, recently entering the world of online DMing.
Running a sandbox-style game, balancing the three pillars, combat, RP, and exploration. Tone leans towards seriousness, but jovial comradery is always welcomed, in the time-honored RPG tables tradition. Our world is completely interactive, and changeable by players’ choices and actions.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist: An acclaimed 5e sandbox module (at least the way we’ll run it), fitted for each group, filled with adventure, RP, and exploration in the greatest city in the Forgotten Realms, a great intro to the world of Faerûn (Lv 1-5), that we could take anywhere we want.

Not sure about committing to a campaign with a DM you don’t know? Let’s test our compatibility in an original one-shot:
Beasts of Esher: An original mystery/horror one-shot, Lv 2-5 (depending on # of players), with a challenging narrative that can focus on RP, exploration, combat, or a bit of everything:
Play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Online | Beasts of Esher: A mystery horror one shot [+New Player Friendly] (startplaying.games)

:memo: Aditional Details:
Check out my work on my homebrew world/and some of my homebrew rules, spells, feats, etc:
Dashboard - Suriel - Kanka

Fitted&Modded Foundry VTT for gameplay, Discord server for voice (camera optional - recommended for groups willing to overcome shyness😊), and Kanka for homebrew rules, notes, and lore.

I might be interested, but I don’t use StartPlayingGames. Do you have other options?

Lesson learned here - notifications seem to have failed me.
Sorry for taking so long to respond.

Sadly, this game is fully booked (at a different time)
Publishing a new one soon if you’re interested, but not the same campaign.

Play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Online | ⃝𖤐 Adventures on the Edge | Magic and Fire Reawaken

I’ll need to check what’s SPG’s policy though if you’re not interested in using them, they might have some issues with that.