Unable to 'Launch My Game', shows "Error launching game: ENOTCONN: socket is not connected"

I have refreshed several times, and rebooted my computer. Can’t get my world to open, I’m not over any data limits. Please investigate if there is a server issue.

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presently having a problem with a game I’m in, too. Are any of your players showing “internal server error”?

Same here, getting “Unable to access license file” on most pages, unable to restart server, unable to load into game :frowning:

Same here! Cannot connect to my games :frowning:

We were all connected and it looks like foundry tanked. Now on the “Your Games” page there is an error, "Error communicating with Foundry VTT. Conect ECONNREFUSED

I am getting this error message:

Error communicating with Foundry VTT: connect ECONNREFUSED

It just started happening a few minutes ago.

Same error here, can anyone help?

Hey there, please see ECONNREFUSED- What it is and how to fix
Usually when this occurs, it is because Foundry is starting up and not responding to requests, such as when it is loading large packages or when it is migrating world data.

In most cases, simply waiting a minute before accessing the server again allows access. If this does not work, please check your Foundry server logs from The Forge to see if Foundry is logging an error indicating that it is not able to start up.

Will this problem be resolved in the future with V12? Your link suggests that this problem also occurred in V11, but this is the first time since (V9?) that I’ve experienced this problem.

Hey there,

We’ve noticed that some v12 worlds take longer to start up in general. ECONNREFUSED happens when the time is longer than 30 seconds, but usually a subsequent attempt to connect will succeed. This simply means that the world has taken more than 30 seconds to start up, which is longer than expected, rather than something expressly having gone wrong.

We’re improving the feedback and extending the time allowed for the server to start up and become ready, which should remove the disruption that this error causes!

A post was split to a new topic: ECONNREFUSED server startup happens twice

Is there an update on this? I seem to get this behavior on all the v12 games I’m involved in, both as a player and a GM.

Whenever trying to spin up the world from an idle state, it sits there for a while and then throws the ECONNREFUSED message. A subsequent attempt then logs right in.

Same here, the error is happening constantly on all of our V12 servers. We almost never had the issue on V11.

It can take up to 15mns to be able to actually login, usually follow-up attempts are returning the error as well. And it’s happening on worlds that are not large or referencing a lot of stuff.

Hi there,

We hope to release the aforementioned update to increase the time waiting for the server to start up today or in the next few days. A change to the v12 server side migration framework is likely where the delay is coming from and we are investigating possible solutions.

@jesuisfrog a 15min startup time could be indicative of a different problem, possibly a stuck migration for data coming from v11 to v12. I’d recommend checking the Foundry server logs from The Forge to see if there is an error message being logged. Please start up the world in safe configuration (no modules enabled) and follow the Foundry server logs to see if there is an error logged there.

If there isn’t, but the startup time persists on every startup, please create a ticket in our Discord server’s #ticket-support channel and share an invite to your game, and it may be possible to help troubleshoot it from the inside.

Went through the logs and saw that we have an ungodly amount of errors like this one (the only difference between the errors being the item’s ID):

2024-07-23 18:24:51 [error] An error occurred during the migration of Item record [z31h4NnuYbtl2z70] of database “kctg-2e.kctg-2e”:
Error: Documents from a core version newer than the running version cannot be migrated
at Function._migrateRecord (file:///opt/foundryvtt/dist/database/backend/server-document.mjs:1:3510)
at Function._migrateDocuments (file:///opt/foundryvtt/dist/database/backend/server-document.mjs:1:2579)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

Any idea what this refers to ?

Figured it out, it looks like a module had added new items to their compendium, the items were made in 12.328 while we’re still in 12.327 so that’s probably what triggered the error. We’re going to upgrade and hopefully fix the problem for our servers.