The Empty’s Embrace
Game System: Pathfinder 2/Foundry/Discord
Game Time: 2024-04-16T20:00:00Z
Brief Description: Remixed and Reimagined Abomination Vaults that will take players from level 1 to level 20.
Additional Details:
Session 0 is free!!! (or your first session, if joining along.)
I’ve written a level 12-20 AP that involves a deeper mystery than just the Gauntlight. An all new Otari to discover, new NPCs, new monsters… All written by yours truly. I’ve kept the adventure inline with Golarion lore and with the same epic adventure that pathfinder players have found in other past Paizo APs. I have 3 more slots open, join up fast on Startplaying. So buckle up, Butter Cups… We are going for a ride!
All skill levels are welcome, especially beginning players or even no experience at all. (I’ve been helping 5e players for over a year now.) Especially GMs that want to make the switch, sign up today!
Really hope to see y’all around the virtual table!!
GM Badger