Greetings! The EB is accepting new players at this time. All games are free to play! We host two to Three games weekly at the moment and run a small campaign Westmarch-style game. This is a 70% combat-oriented game and exploration with about 30% RP. The games are played at 5 pm Pacific Standard Time throughout the week and times vary on the weekend. All are scheduled on an easy-go Discord server. At the moment we are just getting started and it is an ideal time to join currently running levels 2-3. The world setting is all homebrew winter apocalypse. Ancient portals that will lead to the destruction of the known world have been cracked open and the known world needs brave adventures. Will you do your part?
Hi, this sounds fun. I’d be interested. Thanks.
Hello I’d be interested in seeing what times are available on the weekends and if there are any slots open the occasional Friday. Is there a process to joining the discord or do you just send a link?
As of now the gams are primarily ran on Tuesday and Thursday. I will have gams on the weekends but they will be sporadic at best.
I will update you if this changes! As of now I’m the only DM for this campaign and I don’t plan on changing this.
Thanks for the response but I don’t think it’ll work out with my schedule. I’ll keep an eye open for if you change times. Good luck!
Hi, I am interested in joining your table.
I apologies and it’s a shame, Things are heating up! Not really heating up though it’s a post apocalyptic winter setting but you get the picture.
come join us! i sent you a link to are Discord.
Hello, this sounds fun to me! I’ve been wanting to try pf2e, and I’ve always loved the concept of a West Marches game. Let me know if you’re still open to more players.
Hello @dragonbane_jbp DO you have spots open on your Tuesday game? Would love to join!
Come join us!
I’ll send you a link to the Discord!
Seems interesting! I’d be down to take a gander; especially if games happen to be mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays as those are the days I’m primarily free haha
HI just started playing pathfinder I would love to join you in this adventure, Thanks
Hello! I’m interested in sigining up
Interested! Would love to join if possible.
hey!! is there still open? i would love to join