Game System: Tales of Argosa (Low Fantasy Gaming 2e)
When do you play: Tuesdays weekly, 9:30 pm PST
Brief Description of the game/setting/premise:
Loot dungeons & get rich! Fighting monsters is completely optional.
Stop an ancient curse from destroying the civilized world… again!
Experience an epic tale of valiant heroism and underhanded skullduggery in the vein of Black Company and Lankhmar stories!
It begins almost routinely: you’re hired to find a missing lord who ended up slumming it a touch too hard. Crawling pubs instead of dungeons? Easy money, right?
Wrong. Soon there’s a cult trying to summon a demon apocalypse, elves returning to the world after a thousand-year hibernation, and the mystical Veil breaking under the strain of a god that was exiled aeons ago.
Oh, and did I mention the dragons?
What begins as a story of expendable assets working for a mysterious and enigmatic employer in Crow’s Keep soon turns into a great hunt for an elusive maleficar all over Midlands…
Aditional Details:
Midlands of Argosa is a points-of-light setting in the vein of the fantasy of yesteryear, building upon the classic elements of the genre.
The wilderness is infested with deadly Skorn and terrifying monstrosities, walled cities are the only safe places, and there are cults, demons, mutants and godlings galore. It takes a strong arm and a valiant heart to brave the borderlands, but even the cities aren’t safe. Political intrigues of the Crow’s Keep nobles, watching the dying King like vultures; haughty and decadent merchant princes stabbing each other in the back in the underground Dol-Karok; gang warfare in Port Brax and the insance science of Northgate - all of these paint a colorful tapestry that is Argosa.
Step into the Midlands, adventurer - and may the gods judge you fairly. - sign-ups and additional info!