⚫ | Tales from the Hunter's Grimoire | Lethal | Possible long-form campaign!

:black_circle: | Tales from the Hunter’s Grimoire | Lethal | Possible long-form campaign!


The Realm of Milnir has stood the test of time for millennia. Kingdoms, communities, empires and entire cultures have risen and fallen. Many beings have inhabited the land, walked its surface and called it their home, and now it is no different. And one thing has remained constant throughout all of history: Violence. Necessary and unnecessary, for money or bloodlust, for fear or power or greed, for as long as two living beings have walked this Realm, someone has wished another harm. Now, we live in a more civilized era, finding ourselves in the Age of Progress, where change is as frequent as breathing for Milnir’s inhabitants. We have moved away from the more dangerous, bloodthirsty times of the past, where wars raged and nations killed each other for hundreds of years. But this progress does not remove the threats that always have and probably always will revel in the unbridled thrill of chaos: Monstrosities, corrupted aberrations, the ravening beasts of the cold tundra of Halsar, the demonic entities of The Abyss. Across of history, ever since mortalkind started building communities and settlements, we’ve had to fend off against the creatures that threaten our existence, and as one might assume, some individuals appeared to have a knack for it. Monster Hunters, Slayers of the Silver Blade, Sellswords, Mercenaries, whatever you call them. When no-one else is willing to face the nightmares of the night, or the threats of that which lies beyond the veil, these folks arrive. Borderline suicidal, a Slayer is a sight to behold, and so are the things they face. Most slayers do not live long. Many don’t even get a swing in against their foes before succumbing to a mark way above their paygrade. Yet they remain all the same, throwing their lives away for a pouch full of gold. And these are their stories.

:small_orange_diamond:| What is this?:

Tales from the Hunter’s Grimoire is not merely a single one-shot. It’s not really a campaign, either. It’s a series of stories. An anthology of the stories told by Slayers of Milnir, filled with great individuals whose names have long been forgotten. But they remain still, in the cautionary tales they’ve left behind. In the feats they’ve accomplished and which they’ll never be applauded for. Of the many sacrifices that they’ve made, and that are only known and remembered by a select few. Who are you in this story?

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: | Information:

Slots Available: 3/6
System Used: D&D 5e
Style: Discord vc and Foundry
Session Duration: Between 3-4 hours
Schedule: Mondays at 6pm EST(We are currently on our 3rd session)
Contact: Complete this questionnaire to get in: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeo25r3KMkYYevxJpXX-eQ4nidv-CS5f8fUnP83q7FuK4GzEA/viewform?usp=sf_link

**## :grey_exclamation: | Additional Information: **We’ll be using a fair bit of homebrew. Among it are fairly modified and rebalanced versions of the default classes (Using Laserllama’s Alternate Classes) and other options for those who wish to spice things up. More info on everything will be given to you upon joining, including the WorldAnvil page to my homebrew setting. (Additionally, a long-term campaign is on the horizon.)

### Cost: $20/player
### Requirements: A working mic, internet connection and knowledge of how Foundry works, if possible.
# :red_circle: | About Me:
Hi! I’m Henry :slight_smile:
Been DMing for almost 4 years now. I love TTRPGs. I’ll try to give you the best tabletop experience I can offer, and try to accommodate to your needs!
I usually focus on character storytelling a fair bit, so I’ll try to bring your lil fantasy dude/dudette/dude-other to life :smiley: (Although I do love some good combat).
I’ve been working on my Milnir setting for a couple of years now, and I can’t wait for you to experience it!

So join me, unlikely hero, as we explore a world of my creation!