Suggestion: Be able to create a schedule where Forge loads set worlds according to a calendar

Hi tehmanticore,
That sounds like a pretty complicated system to write and have a good interface for it that users can actually use, and it’s not really a solution because of possible conflicts, or if a player wants access to a world outside for that interval, etc…
I think for a situation like that, it makes more sense to upgrade to the Story Teller tier which is meant to solve this specific use case with its own set of features. See Planned: Story Teller tier features for details.
But basically, you would have a different URL for each of your worlds and they would be launched automatically based on which URL is accessed. Would also allow you to separate your groups so they can’t access a world they are not part of, etc…
You can follow the feature roadmap to see when it gets worked on : Forge Feature Roadmap