Shared Compendium and Torg Eternity Links

Okay, I’m not sure this is a Forge problem or a TGS problem, or both, so I’m going to give this analysis at the other, as well…

I use the shared compendium’s on the Forge, but apparently not in the right way. Do you see the box for Torg Eternity Nile Empire near the top of that list? There are many boxes in Torg Eternity, but none of them have anything in them. I have my own entries above those for how I classify my things, but the Torg Eternity Compendium Folders have zero in them, otherwise. Do you also see how the torgeternity links are too long for the Shared Compendium lines?

What can be done about these please?

Hey there @tithenon

Display issues
It looks like you might be running some kind of module which changes the way these compendiums are being displayed.

Torg Eternity does some CSS adjustments and with

I’d expect them to look like this

The module id is intentionally fully displayed to make it easier to identify the compendium’s source. In your case, I think a module is causing the two to display overlapping, making it harder to read. Try disabling the other modules.

Empty Compendiums
I’d recommend giving your system and the Nile Empire compendiums a re-install from the Bazaar here. If their contents have been cleared, it’s possible that they were deleted manually or accidentally from the system, and re-installing the system and the Nile Empire module from the source would bring them back.

If you still have trouble after re-installing the system and the module, let me know which Foundry version and which torgeternity system you’re on. I’m not super familiar with Torg and I don’t own Nile Empires, but from what I can see in 11.308 and 3.1.1 on a fresh install everything is there.

Hope that helps!

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Phew, that’s not a small amount of work. I’m going through a very stressful time, right now, so I’m going to wait until I can get things together and can include this stress. It’s something that’s more of a bug, to me, than anything serious. Phi, you always seem to be there with a good answer; thank you.

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Always happy to help :slight_smile:

Wishing you strength and calm in the stressful time. You’ve got this :muscle: