Seeking 1-2 more for Shiver Gothic!

I am looking for 1-2 additional players to play Shiver, the new horror RPG by Parable Games. If you have no experience, do not worry. It is an easy system to learn and I will teach you and provide materials. You can read more about the game here: DriveThruRPG and here:

I am running the new expansion, Shiver Gothic (SHIVER GOTHIC: CLASSIC HORROR REBORN by Parable Games — Kickstarter), and will be running a long-term campaign. This is a great time to join, as we are just about to begin the campaign. The campaign is set in the style of the Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee Hammer Horror movies meets the Hugh Jackman Van Helsing movie meets Castlevania, set in the Victorian 1800’s.

I am in the U.S. Eastern time zone and seeking dedicated, reliable players that are looking to play long-term online. I am using Discord for voice comm.

We will be playing every other Tuesday at 7:30 pm EST. The first session of the campaign is scheduled for 5/21.