Savage Worlds Fantasy group looking for 3-4 more players

:crossed_swords: Game System:

:calendar: When do you play:
Saturdays, weekly, from 2pm-6pm (cst). First session will be 8/31 assuming I have at least 3 players

:scroll: Brief Description of the game/setting/premise:
A group of new adventurers, traveling through a small community, must solve the murder of a local. What starts as a simple investigation quickly turns sinister with the discovery of forbidden alchemy, mutant animals, and a nearby forest rotting away due to a mysterious blight.

Welcome. I am looking for a few players to fill out our Saturday group. We’ve recently closed a campaign, and are looking to start new.

I am running a fantasy style game using the SWADE system. I am going to be converting some Pathfinder 2e content into a small campaign that I think, depending on pace of the group, should take around 6-8 sessions.

At the end, it’s possible to continue with the characters or start something new if people would like. The 2 players I currently have, have been in this group for over a year now, and we would like to add to our long term group.

If you are not familiar with the SWADE system, that’s fine. It’s not a hard system to learn. The first 1/3 of the campaign is a mix of exploration and investigation and the last parts are more on the dungeon crawl side. Though there is potential for other things to be inserted if the dungeon crawl part becomes too monotonous.

:memo: Aditional Details:
A little bit about myself and my expectations as a DM:
• I’ve been DMing for over 25 years, and been playing for 30+. I started with AD&D and continued through the editions, as well as a many many other systems as well.

• I prefer a balance between roleplaying and rollplaying. Everyone likes throwing dice and beating the bad guys, but I also enjoy and encourage players to not just play robotic characters as if you were playing a pc/console game or look at it as a board game.

• When I DM a group/game, I commit to it. With the exception of things that can’t be avoided (illness, emergencies, etc), I will be there every session and that is what I ask of the players as well. I fully understand everyone’s life is different as well as their priorities. However I find it unfair that if people commit and set aside their time, only to have the session cancel because of someone else not giving the same courtesy.

• I am what I would call a “traditional” or “old guard” DM. If I’m using an established setting, I will follow the setting and its lore. I don’t water down classic tropes. Characters can die, you are inexperienced adventurers and the world is dangerous. That doesn’t mean I’m lethal and look to kill characters, it just means if it happens, it happens. Not all monsters are dumb, in fact some are quite smart and adept at taking down foes. The variant or “house” rules I choose to use, I do so with the intention of balance to a game, things that give a little more depth to certain things, or ease of the players. I can’t remember a time when I used a house rule that was purposely detrimental to the players (though its possible I have, 25 years is a lot of games I’ve run lol)

•Make an appropriate character. What I mean by “appropriate” is a character that makes sense within the scope, theme, and tone of the campaign. While most character ideas are interesting, that doesn’t mean they are a good fit for every campaign.

If you are interested DM me your answers to the following, and if I think you’re a fit, I will reach out to you.

  1. How long have you been in the roleplaying hobby?
  2. What Systems have you played in?
  3. What was your favorite System?
  4. What kind of character do you prefer to play (can be class, role, type, etc)
  5. Where do you think you fall on the ROLLplaying – ROLEplaying spectrum?
  6. What are your expectations of a DM?
  7. What are your expectations of the other players?

Interested if not to late.