I am currently running a longform campaign using the D&D 5e 2014 ruleset, and the group does not really want to quit it, however…
I have recently begun building a new world, in which my players and I want to run the 2024 rules (mainly to see which we like better).
I know there are a lot of “compatibility issues", due to the change in how “items” are created between the D&D 3.x and 4.x module. Found that out the hard way.
Is there a way to “run both” 5e Rulesets on the two different worlds without “updating” them (and all the addons) every time we switch worlds, because we would really like to retain our existing world and keep playing it on different dates? There are after all still things to do there
I would prefer not to have to get another “server licence” just for a little experimenting.