Resolved: Getting error when I try to upload assets to my library

I am trying to upload a map to my assets library and I keep getting an error, I’ve tried changing the image format from a png to a jpg and even tried completely different map and still had an issue.

Similar issue here as well. Have tried multiple times with only one asset loading in (and that a duplicate of one I already had). Please advise.

Indeed a current issue, we’re looking into it

Should be resolved now, give it a try again.

I’m attempting to upload a map to my asset library. It’s a 479 kb jpg. After I click upload, it behaves as if the upload is occuring then this message appears : Error uploading asses (error uploading object to library).

I’ve tried a couple other files and get the same response.

How recently did you try?

@aeristoka that post was from 1 hour ago by the way, I am just moving posts to consolidate them into a single thread :slight_smile:
@ividia the issue should be fixed now, try again, it should work.

Just got back from my errands. It’s working now. Thanks.

Thanks everyone for your patience.
I’ve just posted a detailed explanation of the problem and how it was addressed :

Hi all,
I got this issue today again. Same cause?

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Hi, i have also noticed the same error, trying to upload a couple of small images and will not work. Also noticed that a lot of my tokens links seem to be broken, but uncertain if this is caused by same error?

Hey there, on the discord-server of forge is an nnouncement, there are some server-issiues on forge. they re alleady working on this problem

Hello all togather,

need some help please. I didn’t use The Forge the last months. Now i can’t upload any files. Every time there appers the same report.
“Error loading object to library”
Is that a similar problem?

Or what make i wrong?^^’

Thank you for a fast answer and for you time.

Hi there @naroek56 @sourk @mountainlion :wave:

The upload errors you encountered were related to an incident involving our storage server provider. Please see the #announcements channel on the Forge Discord server.

Functionality has since been restored.