Hi, I have the same issue and would like to ensure the assets are optimized via your distributed assets library servers. Can you please clarify how to re-import the world please? I have a back up of the world from the old server - is that what I should import or should I backup the world in The Forge version that was created when bringing in the data folder from my own local Linux server?
Neither seems to work (stuck at 0% trying to load the folder with the world.BAK and .JSON file and same missing image/wrong path issue when importing world backed up in The Forge). Importing my foundryusertdata folder works great though except for the incorrect URL for all assets.
All the assets imported to here:
My Assets Library->foundryuserdata->Data->assets
config/options.json dataPath at time of import:
“dataPath”: “/home/steam/Foundry/foundryuserdata”
Example path that’s missing (Edit World and this is what’s set for the Background Image, same applies to tiles, actors, etc in the game):
URL it’s looking for: <img class="thumbnail" src="assets/backgrounds/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg">
Current URL of that asset: https://assets.forge-vtt.com/[my-id]/Game%20Banners/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg
To import a world, you’ll need to point it at the Foundry world folder, so in your case likely /home/steam/Foundry/foundryuserdata/[world-id] based on your post.
config/options.json dataPath at time of import:
“dataPath”: “/home/steam/Foundry/foundryuserdata”
When the world gets imported, it checks to see if the relative path of the asset in your world matches the relative path of the asset in your Assets Library. If it matches, it optimizes the relative path to point to the absolute path.
In your case assets/backgrounds/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg would expect to find the asset in https://assets.forge-vtt.com/[my-id]/assets/backgrounds/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg, when instead it is in https://assets.forge-vtt.com/[my-id]/Game%20Banners/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg
The best way to ensure that the assets can be found is to point the Import Wizard to your Foundry Data root. In that way, the imported assets will be on the same path relative to your Assets Library root as they would be to your local Foundry Data folder’s root. When the re-import happens, it will import your assets first, and then the world. Then, the world data will get optimized to point to the Assets Library assets instead of relative paths.
Note that if you change the organization of the Assets Library after the world import, this doesn’t automatically update the world content to point to the new asset paths.
Thank you for the reply! My server is down at the moment (fans need replacing) so importing from a copy made to my other machine. I’ll try updating the option.json file to point to the new location and re-import everything to see if that will fix it.
Is there a workaround? The new fans I ordered won’t arrive for 2-3 weeks so I won’t be able to get my Linux server up and running until then to re-import everything from that machine.
Hi there
I’m sorry, we might be misunderstanding each other, apologies if I didn’t explain correctly.
Changing your options.json won’t change what gets imported.
You need to import the root Data folder of your local Foundry user data using the Import Wizard.
That way, assets on your Assets Library will have the same relative path from your Assets Library root as they do from your local Foundry user data Data folder’s root.
Is there a workaround? The new fans I ordered won’t arrive for 2-3 weeks so I won’t be able to get my Linux server up and running until then to re-import everything from that machine.
If you aren’t able to re-import, you may be able to get the paths to match up by moving folders around on your Assets Library
The goal is that
assets on your Assets Library will have the same relative path from your Assets Library root as they do from your local Foundry user data Data folder’s root
That means that if an asset exists in your local Foundry user data’s Data folder under assets/backgrounds/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg, you need to arrange your Assets Library so that the same asset exists in https://assets.forge-vtt.com/[my-id]/assets/backgrounds/wp12110871-ravenloft-wallpapers.jpg
This is usually achieved through the initial import from the Foundry user data’s Data root folder, but you can also move and rename folders to match it in your Assets Library.
What I’ve import is a backup of my entire foundry installation so the relative paths are the same.
EDIT: hmm…I think I imported at too high a level. I’m going through deleting everything and will try importing the Data folder instead of the foundryuserdata folder.
Here’s the folder structure and the foundryuserdata folder is what I imported:
Yep, definitely a PEBKAC error. Thank you for your help (and patients with idiots who can’t follow simple instructions)! I deleted everything and imported the Data folder
Everything works great when you import the correct folder: