Public & Private Games

You can set your Game’s privacy mode to either Public Game or Private Game.

By default, your games are set to Private, as it is the recommended setting for most users, and offers better security and a better user experience.

Public Games are not recommended as a default alternative to having your players create Forge accounts.

Private Game

When the games privacy mode is set to private, only users who are logged in can access the game’s URL, and only then users who have been invited to the game via the “Game Invitation Link” available in your Game Configuration page.

Note: The Invitation link is also available within the VTT

You can also find the invitation link from within Foundry’s Invitation Links dialog in the Settings tab :

image => image


This provides an additional level of security for your games, by ensuring no one can access your game, unless you have shared the invitation link- even if they know the game’s URL. This is useful for any user, but especially for streamers- given the ease with which the game’s URL can leak. In a default public game, if you do not properly create access keys for every player, as well as set up an access key for your Setup page, you run the risk of having malicious users delete your data.

Public Game

A public game allows anyone with the URL of the game to access the Foundry game. This is similar behavior to a self-hosted game, but removes the extra layer of security that The Forge provides via its Private Game setting.

With a Public Game, users do not need to be logged into The Forge to access the game. However, note that without being logged into The Forge, they will not be able to upload images, as they will not have access to their own Assets Library.

The reason that the Public Game option exists within the Forge website is to allow groups with young children to play the game. Due to COPPA ( Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), children under the age of 13 cannot create a Forge account as per our Terms of service, and need to be able to join a game without providing any personally identifiable information. This is possible thanks to our public game setting. We do not recommend using the Public Game setting unless you have this problem.

Hi, newb question. I have created a world that I have transferred from a different VTT. There are 5 players available. When I send over the link to the world (private game), can any player log in with any account (besides me own)? How do I limit it so a player can only log into the world with their own character.

Thanks in advance

Once the player has access to the game, they will have to join the game as one of the players. Within Foundry itself, as a GM, you can go to the settings tab then “Configure players” and you can then set an access key for each of the players so they can only join as the player you have assigned to them.

Story teller features that are coming “soon” will have an option to auto manage players within Foundry and auto login your players.



Awesome!! Thanks for the quick response <3