Hello there I’ve been trying to figure out how to actually import all the premium adventures I own. At first I try to import the worlds but then the import goes through and it seems like all is well until I load into the world and all of the images are broken that are related to the ap. Maps, character art, token art, any sort of image is just broken and doesn’t seem like it’s imported. Most of the other data looks fine; there’s dynamic lighting on maps, broken token images are on the error screened maps, sounds of all kinds both music and ambient are also broken. Things like character sheets look like they work just fine and the text for the adventure is fine and there in the journal if not poorly spaced because of the errors of the images all being broken. The second idea to maybe just make a new world and use the module itself to import all everything but it still comes to the same issue. Has anyone encountered this issue or know of a fix for this?