[PF2e}[$18][Saturdays][7PM CST] - Expanded and Remaster Abomination Vaults

This is a weekly Pathfinder 2E campaign focused on new players.

We will start with the Beginner’s Box adventure Menace Under Otari where you can learn the basics of the Pathfinder game system and the Foundry VTT. At 2nd level, the group will launch into the Troubles in Otari Adventure. Finally, the group will take on Gauntlight in a modified Abomination Vaults that starts at 6th level, and will run through 17th level.
We will kick off Session Zero once we have four players. Each session costs $18 and the Session Zero is free. Check out the adventure page to learn more.

We can launch the campaign tomorrow if we get one more player before 12 pm central on Saturday