[PAID $20][LFP][FOUNDRYVTT] Mutants and Masterminds 3e

Game System:
Mutants and Masterminds 3e

When do you play:
Wednesdays starting: 2024-09-04T21:00:00Z (Time subject to change based on U.S. Daylight Savings Time)

Brief Description of the game/setting/premise:
High School. These are the most important days of your life. Classes. Homework. Family. Relationships. Learning to Drive. Work. For most people, these things would be more than enough to fill their day.

But you’re not most people. You’ve got powers, and that sets you apart from most of your fellow students. As it turns out, taking some time to beat up nameless henchmen is a really good way to work off some stress.

Join up with some of your fellow classmates and earn some Extra Credit! Balance your class schedule, hang out with friends, figure out a good costume, and work on your witty one-liners!

– Exact details of the setting, characters, and mood of the game will be worked out in session 0 on Wednesday Sept 4, 2024. Game will be a Hero High game, and players should expect to be in their mid-to-late teens

Additional Details:
English language
18+ game
Game played via Foundry, using Discord for voice
Game is paid - $20 per session per person. Session zero is free. Paid via Startplaying.games (Play Mutants and Masterminds (3e) Online | Extra Credit)
LGBTQ Friendly
New player friendly, several players and GM are experienced enough to help guide new players through gameplay and character generation.
3/5 slots filled

If interested, sign up using the Startplaying link and join the discord to speak with the GM!