[Paid $10] {Essence 20] Power Rangers Lost Light- Bi-Weekly Saturday Evenings 4:30 Pm PST [All Timezones Welcome]

Nova Astralis

:crossed_swords: Game System:
Essence 20 Power Rangers*

:calendar: When do you play:.
We play once bi-week on Saturdays. First game on 2023-03-18T23:30:00Z*

:scroll: Brief Description of the game/setting/premise:
I love a mix of roleplay and combat. The Setting is scifi.
You will come together as a new team of Rangers, with new weapons, Zords and such. You will face off against known monsters, new minions, and newer bosses. You will venture into space, and around the Universe. Possibly even entering into alternate universes! You will start at level 1 and work your way all the way up to level 20. GO GO POWER RANGERS!

:memo: Aditional Details:
We will be using Foundry VTT, here is the link to that
I also have a discord server for the game, here is my discord user: Nova_Astralis#4397
Play Power Rangers Roleplaying Game Online | Power Rangers Lost Light


:crossed_swords: What game system(s) are you interested in?:
Im interested in Essence 20 and Dungeons and Dragons 5e

:spiral_calendar: When can you play:
Saturdays at 2 PM PST.

:question: What should the prospective GM know about you as a player:
My characters tend to have tragic backstories, and I try to be as respectful while also playing to my characters personalities. I also do voices for the characters.

Some Notes about Tags

Paid or Free to play



other-game-systems Essence 20 Power Rangers

Day of the week




Language used


Some other tags

family-friendly, combat-ready