[ONLINE][LFP - PF2e][8 PM EST][Thursday][4/4 slots open][Discord][18+] Beginner Box - All welcome!

Beginner Box “Menance under Otari” - Pathfinder Second Edition

The small seaside town of Otari is known for its fresh fish and a source of lumber for the nearby metropolis of Absalom. But when something dark begins to menace the town, it’s up to a band of freelancers to come together and make a name for themselves…and learn more about the dark things in the world than they never thought possible.

  • Who: 4-players
  • Technologies Required: FoundryVTT (Online), Discord
  • When: Starting Thursday 6/6 and every Thursday (8 - 11pm GMT -5:00 (US Eastern))
  • Sessions: 1-3 sessions

Your application

Send to my DMs…

  • What you like to be called and your pronouns?
  • Have you played tabletops before?
  • What are you seeking to achieve by being part of this adventure?
  • One paragraph summary of your character.

The DM

30 years old, 18+ years in Tabletop as a DM. I have little experience actually running Pathfinder 2e, but have run DnD5e as well as Pathfinder1e. I’m experienced in Roll20, but am transitioning to FoundryVTT. I’m using this as a learning experience for both systems. This game could be for you if:

  • You’re a team player
  • You help others have fun as well
  • You’ve read up until this point - please end your message with a smiley face to be considered