I have one game where I cannot get the “Game Banner” to stay set to my custom images.
I have tried uploading lots of different images (all of which work fine for other “Games” I have). It allows me to upload the image, the new image shows up in the assets banner folder and it sets the image to the Game Banner as one would expect.
However (feels kind of random, but is inevitable) when I launch the game and then exit back to Forge or leave Forge for a few hours then come back: the game banner will have reverted back to the default one (you can still find it in the banner folder in my assets though).
I tried copying the Game to see if that would magically fix it, it did not.
This feels like a bug that this one Game has triggered. The one unique thing about this world is it is using modules that I uploaded through the “Summon Import Wizard”, but other than that I can’t think of why this is glitchy on this one thing and nothing else is.