Moulinette indexing large folders

I downloaded the forgotten-adventures map making pack which was much larger than I anticipated, 1.6gb after converting to .wepb. It is in the moulinette>images>custom folder.

Moulinette says that it automatically indexes this folder, but it does not appear to be doing that at all, and clicking ‘index assets’ just seems to do nothing and I get a forge API error as it has been calling it for more than 5 minutes.

I even broke it down into sub folders each around 400mb so see if that was easier, that didn’t work either.

I can see the files in the basic token file explorer, but would really like to get this through Moulinette.

How can I fix this?

Hi there :wave:

I suspect that this is happening because there is no option in the base FilePicker to browse assets recursively.

This is an open issue on Foundry Add `recursive` option to `FilePicker#browse` method · Issue #10163 · foundryvtt/foundryvtt · GitHub

This means that module may be doing multiple browse calls to traverse each folder in the asset library, and being rate limited by the Forge API (to avoid server side performance degradation due to excessive calls).

The rate limiting means that the requests are taking longer to complete, which is why it may appear to be taking a very long time.

The Forge API warning is explained here Forge API Rate Monitor and does not actually error the calls out, but is designed to inform the user when rate limiting is happening.

In this case, one would expect the call to eventually complete even with rate limiting in play. If you open your browser dev tools (F12), you may see that subsequent calls are still happening.

I’ll reach out to the Moulinette folks and ask if it may be possible to use the Forge’s recursive browse option when running on Forge for faster indexing to avoid having to make multiple calls (see also Forge API Rate Monitor)

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Thank you for your reply! I think I understand.

So it would be safe to try to ‘index assets’ through moulinette again and just let the errors play out until it is done indexing?

Yup! The process is not destructive to any of your data and the rate warnings should not prevent the calls from eventually succeeding, it will just happen more slowly.

Since the indexing doesn’t happen every time you start up or open up (I believe) you should be able to restart it and let it run until completion without issue