Mixed my accounts

Yeah so I tried starting my server and realized I have 2 accounts and mixed them up: account #1 uses my Foundry license while account #2 is the one linked to Patreon and has my credit card info. Obviously I cannot use the former because it’s on the Free Plan but I cannot use the latter because when I try entering my license info, The Forge (rightfully) tells me the license is already in use.

I don’t know how I should proceed: unlinking the license key from the 1st account would be fine, just as deleting it, too.

Please send me an email to [email protected] from your other account along with the license key value (to verify it’s correct) and a link to this thread (so I know what it’s about) and I’ll transfer the license from that account to this one.
I don’t provide the ability at the moment to remove licenses from an account on purpose, until I think through all the possibilities that someone could use it for abusing the system, so for now it’s a manual process.

Thank you, I just sent the email.

Thanks. I’ve moved the license to your new account. Let me know if you have any other issues.

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All good! Thank you very much.