Looking for… someone

I DM for a group that meets ~2 times a month, games are too short and not too focused, which isn’t quite the fix I’m looking for.

I’d like to find either 1-2 players (I have two players interested in joining) or a DM.

All 3 of us are around 45, have experience with RPGs, and are looking for an adult (yet not TOO serious) game.

I can run or play PF2e or 5E, have plenty of Foundry experience, plenty of modules both adventures and rulebooks, and I’m aiming for around +20:00 CET weekdays or afternoon-evening Friday-Saturday for a (mostly) regular weekly game.

How long would sessions be? I’d be interested in playing. I’d probably prefer PF2e but would also be fine playing in 5e if that’s the group consensus.

I’m down and can run or play.