LFP | PF2e | Age of Ashes (Remastered) | $18 | Friday | Free Session Zero

Answer the Call of Heroes, Save the Realm!

:crossed_swords: Game System:
Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Age of Ashes Adventure Path, via Foundry VTT and Discord. All games run through Start Playing Games.

:calendar: When:
Fridays at Invalid date SPG Game Link
3/6 Seats Filled- Game starting in April!

:scroll: Brief Description:
Level 1-20
When mysterious fires begin to burn atop the towers of a nearby citadel long ago abandoned by an order of Hellknights, a group of local heroes heads out to investigate. What they discover within the ruined castle and in the dungeons below its foundation will not only reveal an unexpected invasion and a long-forgotten magical wonder, but will propel the heroes forward into a continent-spanning conflict against cultists, slavers, and a fiery draconic devastation that could unleash an Age of Ashes upon the world!

:memo: Aditional Details:
With help from the Foundry and Paizo community, I’ve updated the Adventure Path PDF to be more in line with a current Paizo module- ambient sounds and music to go along with updated maps, updated dynamic tokens, and inline rolls for ease and automation.

All games use Free Archetype variant rules. Characters can be built in Pathbuilder and imported via a JSON number, or made in Foundry during the free Session Zero.