[LFP] [PF2e] [Age of Ashes] [Paid $22] Levels 1-20

Join the Call of Heroes, Save the Realm!

:crossed_swords: Game System:
Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Age of Ashes Adventure Path, via Foundry VTT and Discord

:calendar: When we play:
Saturdays at Invalid date

:scroll: Brief Description:
When mysterious fires begin to burn atop the towers of a nearby citadel long ago abandoned by an order of Hellknights, a group of local heroes heads out to investigate. What they discover within the ruined castle and in the dungeons below its foundation will not only reveal an unexpected invasion and a long-forgotten magical wonder, but will propel the heroes forward into a continent-spanning conflict against cultists, slavers, and a fiery draconic devastation that could unleash an Age of Ashes upon the world!

:memo: Aditional Details:
Characters can be built in Pathbbuilder and imported via JSON files.
I have flexibility on the day and time if there is interest in another time slot. My Start Playing Games Profile shows all current and future games.