This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $12USD per session via PayPal.
I’m looking for up to 1 more players to join a group of 5 players (for a total of 6) for a long term weekly pay-to-play campaign using the pre-written Adventure Path module: Blood Lords, every Saturday 1:00PM GMT (Subject to Daylight Saving Time). Your first session will be free, where after that it will be $12USD per session.
Though this game is targeted to West Asian audiences, those outside of the region are of course welcome. It is just that it may be difficult for you due to the differences with the time zone.
Beginners and newcomers to both Pathfinder and Foundry are welcome. Help will be given to those who request it out of session at no extra cost.
Note: I assume anyone who applies will be over 18, otherwise I will need an explicit permission from their parent(s) and be no younger than 13.
Game System: Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Tabletop Format: Online on Foundry VTT and Discord
Schedule: Weekly, Saturday, 1PM-4PM GMT
Payment: $12US per Session
Seats Available: Up to 1 Player
Details: The undead nation of Geb gains most of its trade from the export of food grown on zombie-worked farms, but one farm has been the site of a series of strange occurrences. The Blood Lords Adventure Path, is a six-part, monthly campaign in which the characters rise from skilled troubleshooters to join the Blood Lords who rule a land of the dead.