[LFP][Paid][Bi-weekly][Mondays 8PM CST] Kingmaker PF2e | Monarchy Mondays

:world_map: Explore and tame the dangerous wilds
:crossed_swords: Best bandits, fey, trolls, rival rulers and more
:european_castle: Build your kingdom
:crown: Become a legend

Sign up here!

Have you ever wanted to rule your own nation? Do you think things would just be better if you/your friends were in charge? Do you want to trailblaze through a frontier wilderness, kick bandit/monster ass, and found a kingdom that’ll be the stuff of legends?

If you said yes to any/all of the above, then friend, this is the game for you.

Kingmaker is an epic, 1-20 campaign that has it all: political intrigue, exploration, supernatural threats, and a mysterious entity pulling the strings behind the scenes. Then, there’s the kingdom building. Relatively early in the campaign, you and your group are given leave to explore the Stolen Lands, a frontier wilderness teeming with monsters and bandits for you to explore, tame, and eventually settle. You’ll pick a spot to establish your first settlement, and from there (and your own decisions), your kingdom will grow and flourish. Or flounder and fall into ruin.

You get to pick everything from the nation’s name, way it’s ruled (kingdom? queendom? a democracy?) to how you deal with your neighbors, how and when you go to war, and the ways your kingdom specializes (magical research? espionage? military might? exploration?). It isn’t a game of Civilization in your ttrpg, but rest assured you will be calling the shots here, to the degree you and your group wants to. Your nation will be what you make it.
So, what will you do? Become rulers that history remembers for ages to come? Or would-be upstarts relegated to the footnotes of history like so many before you?

Let’s play and find out. Sign up today and claim your throne!