LFP | Paid [$17 base price {notes}] | PF1e (Will coach as part of base fee) | I run 10+ games currently

Paizo Adventure Paths: Skull and Shackles, Reign of Winter, Wrath of the Righteous, Rise of the Runelords, Iron Gods, Ironfang Invasion, and I have access to more on request. I also run Zeitgeist and Way of the Wicked currently.

:crossed_swords: Pathfinder 1e is my main system. I have run Call of Cthulhu 7e (holiday one shots mostly {these are free for those with no holiday plans} though I have a campaign I’d like to run on request), Ryuutama, Dread, DnD 5e (I’ll beg not to), PTU (Pokemon), and more. I like running things that have a bit of complexity. I also have some I’d like to learn: Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, and a couple more.

:calendar: Reach out directly for latest and accurate times. I have a schedule I operate for all my players, and I’m looking for some eastern hemisphere time zone players right now. My current open games are:
2024-12-05T03:30:00Z2024-12-05T07:30:00Z (Ironfang)
2024-12-06T02:00:00Z2024-12-06T04:59:00Z (S&S)
2024-12-06T19:00:00Z2024-12-06T22:00:00Z (Zeitgeist)
2024-12-07T15:00:00Z2024-12-07T18:00:00Z (Way of the Wicked C)
2024-12-08T05:00:00Z2024-12-08T09:00:00Z (Wrath of the Righteous)

:scroll: As I run mostly Paizo APs right now it is all set on Golarion. I do keep a rule that the first group to finish a campaign can majorl influence later settings. Currently, Reign of Winter has set precedence for Demons of the Worldwound having Russian Firearms. Skull and Shackles is setting some boundaries on Chelish power struggles, and Ironfang is just starting to influence the river kingdoms. Wrath is changing Worldwound dynamics and Ghoulification rules.

I also have some setting rules from Way of the Wicked. It is considered pre-Chelixian history. King Priom was the last true dynasty of Asmodean power in the country. They have kept his devilish soul as a rook for their plans, and that player group exists in the background of Golarion recruiting those that would fight the Thrune family (Currently, the last surviving members are a false deity from the earth plane and a living painting of a wizard that is floating around the Shackles and Khatepesh mostly).

:memo: I would add that the rating is generally 15+ and most of our adults prefer a fade to black method for things that we’ve discussed in Session 0. We are a rather welcoming group, and include a channel for autism awareness (mostly acknowledging some of us are “spectrum equipped” {we like rules diving}). I have some set games currently, but will run if a group asks for a time I am available. I have a three week turn around on a new campaign, so I can study and set boundaries for player characters in that setting. I enjoy story telling, but can absolutely dig some rules questions. I run a discord server for all players, and people can watch freely. You are welcome to join and listen in. I also keep channels for build discussions, and you and your fellow players can earn discounts by helping. I intend to stream these games starting 2025, and record them for groups to use as notes. Only streams will be available outside a group.

:money_with_wings: Fees: I prefer to send invoices over Square via your email of choice (Collected after session 2) after your game and before the next session. If you want out, paying the last is optional, but please let me know that I may close it out. I also allow bulk pricing as it is technically cheaper. These prices are before the square surcharge for using their service. I have the full layout of how it is calculated in my announcement channel on discord. The $17 is the base price; $15 is if you feel you can help, but only want to help your crew specifically; $13 is if you can help, and don’t mind responding on the server wide channels.

I always help players regardless on pay agreed on. The ongoing games keep me online so office hours are constant. I respond within 24 hours usually, but it may be to tell you I’m considering an answer. Final answers will be no later than your next game.

:money_mouth_face: FREE: Session 0 and Session 1 (FOR YOU regardless of when you join a campaign) are always free. I want to know you can work with your chosen crew, and that you are ready to go. Session 1 begins when you can meet up in game. If it takes us a bit to find somewhere you can appear (only happened once, but that sets precedent), then Session 1 only begins if you play for half the session. Feel free to listen in with the current games, and talk in VC text chat. It is a great way to meet the other players and decide what group fits.

I also offer holiday Pay-What-You-Will games (tip me on your next session or ask for an invoice for the amount you’d like to pay); I expect to earn nothing on them to be fair. First seats are for those that would like somewhere to be for the season, and I welcome others on a first come first serve basis after that.

:stopwatch: Future: I’m looking to run 14 concurrent games, and create a backlog of characters for you to experience in a custom setting outside the APs, but running them lets me build up the setting, and custom characters. I have been running since 2013, I’ve finished 40+ campaigns, and would like to welcome you to story telling. I am new to Foundry since 2024 and keep adding content as I play. I am currently transferring all content and characters I made on roll20, and recreating old physical copy characters as I run current games.

After I catch up here, a portion of my fees will be invested into better art and mods for Foundry. I am one man with a plan, and I’m hoping that streaming this will allow some additional investment capital over time. I will be including optional audience participation based off group choices later. Much of that is in my announcements on the Discord server.

Games are currently available on:
I am looking to start a Ironfang Invasion, Iron Gods, or a Second Rise of the Runelords sometime between: Sundays 10 PM to Mondays 10 AM EST
Thursdays at 9 PM to Midnight EST (Skull and Shackles During the last half the campaign.)
Fridays at 2 PM to 5 PM EST (Zeitgeist Book 2/13 by EN World {I really recommend it})
Saturdays at 10 AM to 1 AM EST (Way of the Wicked C wrapping up book 3)
Saturdays 7 PM to 10 PM EST (Starting soon: War for the Burning Sky)
Saturdays at 11 PM to Sunday 3 AM EST (Wrath of the Righteous Starting book 3 but only one seat open)