[LFP] [Online] [pf2e] [Pay what you want] [Open to all] [(Adaptable Time)] [Campaign TBD] Looking for Players for Weekly Game

There was moderate success with the first topic, so time for a second round. I’m going to GM with no set price (basically tipping if you feel like it). Also, let’s actually decide if we want to run an AP (I’ve got a couple ready) or a homebrew campaign (I can prepare a couple in relatively little time) and at what time we wanna play!

I’ll leave my profile here, so contact me if you have any question.

Is this still a thing?

It is, it’s actually going slower than I thought! And sorry for the delayed answer, I’ve had a ROUGH week. Feel free to contact me on Discord! elmoserpe is the nick!

I have been looking into PF2E and would love to play what is the day and time?

This is a pay to play game?

Technically not, it’s a pay what you want. Essentially tips if you’d like.

They are still to be defined, there are already 2 days that are off limits for me, but you can add me on Discord (nickname elmoserpe ) if you’re interested :smiley:

One spot remaining! For anyone interested, we are gonna play Agents Of Edgewatch on Tuesdays, at 7 PM PST!

this is free right? if so my discord is RyuuTheKitsune

Sorry for the late answer, week was a bit hectic. But we were basically done with building a party anyway, sooo… Next time, maybe.

Since a player COULD have to leave the campaign early, applications are open again! If anyone still has interest, feel free to reach out once more!

Actually not one, but TWO players left the campaign early (poor planning on their part, it happens). So applications are open again, just know that the agreed upon day and time for the session is Tuesday, 7 PM PST! But come on down, it’s still really early and the campaign makes it really simple to join!

Do you have any Monday games?

Unfortunately not right now, but something could be arranged depending on your timezone. Write me on discord (nick elmoserpe) so we can talk about it