Game System: Household
When do you play: 2025-02-26T01:00:00Z→2025-02-26T04:00:00Z (The date is just a placeholder!)
Brief Description of the game/setting/premise: The First Household war has come to an end. After the slaying of the mighty dragon at The Battle of Quillwaters, the first High Council was established, with representatives from each of the Little Folk of The House. Of course, the head if The Council was still the Young Tsarina, leader of the Fairies.
After 7 years of work and deliberation, the frontier of the House opened, allowing Littlings to travel between the kingdoms of the house. To Historians, the next five years would come to be known as The Fragile Peace.
But some knew better. And now we all do. Under the surface, dark groups worked to upset the peace. The Tristarred, a group of Nationalist Fairies hellbent on overthrowing the Tsarina and killing those who would fraternize with the other littleings of the house, operate in secret in the Imbetweens of the house. Spider Cults work to bolster the power of the Arachnids from beyond the hidden places in the household. And a sinister force from the Outhold gains power, aiming their sights at the rooms of the ancient manse that the littling’s call home.
You are a historian. Telling the stories of littleings during The Fragile Peace. Putting yourself in the minds of these figures from history as you retell their adventures. What secrets will you uncover? What histories will you tell.
That’s up to you, and up to the people who’s stories you tell.
Aditional Details: We would be playing over Discord voice, and using Foundry for sheets and rolls! All players would make multiple characters that they’d alternate between adventures!
To apply, please fill out this form!