[LFP][DND5E][Free to Play][Thursday][1100CST]

DM’s Alcove Forgotten Realms Sandbox

:crossed_swords: DND5E:

:calendar: Thursdays, 1100-1500CST

:scroll: Set in the sleepy town of Julkoun along the Delimbyir River, you have been sent here by The Seekers guild to discover the reasons for some odd happenings in the region and to discover the “Secrets of the Delimbyir Vale”. Need 3 more players.

:memo: Discord Server Link : DMSAlcove's server
DM at the above server if you are interested.

I have 4 players ready to play 5e with lvl 3s on Thursdays at 7p PST, we had a DM drop us, can you run us in a Foundry VTT campaign w/ a session 0 this week Thursday?
I’d join the discord, but the invite may have expired.