[LFP] [Beginner Friendly] [Free to Play] [18+]The Fallen City

The theme of the Fallen City is a tale of horror and corruption in a fallen world. Set in a late Medieval / early Renaissance inspired original setting, the City is the only home of humanity in the known world. Behind the huddled masses of humanity, monsters rule the halls of power.

The players take the role of denizens of the City. You may be a knight of the Church, praising your god while unaware of the horror of its true nature or a Medicina, a surgeon who grafts magic into people for coin and leverage. There are guards and fighters and mages who leverage all manner of powers to control and jockey for position.

Game System Pathfinder Second Edition
Classes/Ancestries All Paizo Published Ancestries and Classes, though open to discussion for others!
Day/Time: Saturdays 8:00pm to 11:00pm Eastern Time (GMT -5)
Style: Story and Plot over rules, I’m looking to cooperate with the players to create a rich narrative for everyone.
Notes: 18+ Please. We will start with a Session Zero once we have 4 players! We will play on Forge.

Please reply here or DM me if you’re interested! You can also reach me @whoispriam on discord. Thanks!

I’d be interested in this game

I’d like to play if you have a spot!