[LFP] [Adventures in Middle Earth] [CEST] [8.30PM UTC+2] [PAID] Eaves of Mirkwood

Adventures in Middle Earth - Eaves of Mirkwood`

:crossed_swords: Game System: Adventures in Middle Earth (dnd 5e spin off in the lands of Tokien) using Foundry VTT and Discord for voice
:spiral_calendar: When do you play: 2022-05-16T18:30:00Z will be session 0. Then every monday at 8.30pm (UTC+2) Should run for about 5 sessions + free session 0 with chance to make it into a full campaign if players are interested
:computer: Requirements: Discord and Forge free accounts, decent microphone. Knowledge of 5e dnd (and even Adventures in Middle Earth) is welcome but not necessary (I´ll provide all the info and am happy to guide new players).
Camera is welcome but not mandatory.
:heavy_dollar_sign: Price: 20$ per session (session 0 is free).

:scroll:Brief description of the game/setting/premise

"Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread"

:compass: Journey through the Wilderland :compass:
:evergreen_tree:Brave the darkness of Mirkwood!:evergreen_tree:
:hocho: Fight for your life against the agents of the Enemy! :hocho:
:man_mage: Stand before the greats of Middle Earth! :man_mage:
:beer:Laugh, drink and play with the dwarfs! :beer:

Welcome friends to the wonderful lands of Middle Earth!
This short adventure is meant as an introduction to the system “Adventures in Middle Earth”.
Eaves of Mirkwood will teach you all the rules one by one, guiding you every step of the way, in an exciting journey through the dread forest of Mirkwood. Find the path, hide from the Shadow, drink and smoke the pipe with a group of dwarves and fight for your life against the Agents of the Enemy, while journeying through familiar and wonderful places accompanied by Tolkien’s lore.

And who knows… if you like the system and the setting it could develop into a full fledged campaign :slight_smile:

:memo:link: Play Adventures in Middle-earth Online | Adventures in Middle Earth - Eaves of Mirkwood: Introductory adventure to the 5e inspired Tolkien's world

Still three slots open!

Session 0 already happened but new players are welcome for session 1!