[LFP] [5e] [Mondays 4PM PST] [Paid $10] Esoterika: Land of The Reborn

Esoterika:Land of The Reborn
:alarm_clock: Time: 4:00PM PST Mondays :date:
:purse: Monetary: $10 via Startplaying, Session 0/1st Game are Free. :+1:
:gear: Systems: D&D5e| FoundryVTT | Discord :studio_microphone:
:hammer_and_wrench: Features: :toolbox:
:dash: Animations | πŸ•¬ Custom SFX | :violin: Music | :houses: Buildings w/Levels & Heights | :art: Top-Down Tokens | :world_map: Custom Maps | Many modules and special custom coded inventions that make combat :crossed_swords: and mechanics – a BREEZE! :leaves: |

β™ž Progression: (Point Buy, XP All Shared) :bookmark_tabs:
:seat: Slots Available: 1 :chair:
:stop_sign: Requirements: :one::eight::heavy_plus_sign: Age (18+) | Desire to play :ok_hand: | An okay computer :desktop_computer: |
:checkered_flag: Level 3 Start :clapper:
:books: About: :writing_hand:
Esoterika: Land of The Reborn is a dark cosmic horror themed homebrew D&D5e campaign that will take you on a journey through a world of eldritch secrets; filled with forgotten people in a diverse realm of eternal darkness. With a focus on sandbox freedom; your character will have the opportunity to explore dark corners of the land and unravel the mysteries of it and your own origins into this new world.

Magic users find themselves the target of a strange phenomena known as β€œThe Eyes” – a maddening curse to the magic using populaces here that some welcome and others fear. A land of lost fellows living wherever there is light; holding back the darkness that hides the many aggressors in the darkness.

:sparkler: Coda: :wave:
I’m a passionate DM who focuses on quality and joining one of my games isn’t just filling a seat; it’s joining me and others in a creative collaborative story and becoming part of the crew.

I DM because I believe in the collaborative, social power of this game and I play leveraging Foundry VTT to it’s max with my personal background in web technology and some coding; I offer a game that cuts down on a lot of mechanical annoyance(s) so we can focus on what we play TTRPG’s for: The JUICY ROLEPLAY! (and it looks pretty cool at the same time with a lot of hand-polish and care.)

I charge for seats at my games for a very different reason than many: I buy a lot of assets such as tokens, maps and get help from other coders, etc. To make my games continuously in a state of freshness and getting better. For me, it’s game first, playing with the right people and really creating collaborative stories and lasting memories – a part of that is I do a real interview, include everybody into a session 0 and really discuss with people before they join.
:point_right: Check It Out: :eyes:
:vhs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3pmni02wwY :movie_camera:
This is a main menu system; just as an example of the world and what I am doing. You can also watch the sessions of which I record for notes and etc. (I have no desire in being a stream or etc, I just record for archiving and notes and so we can have fun looking back at the situations that unfold.)

:door: Join Today: :incoming_envelope:
You can message me @ RaymerGames#5999 on Discord ​I like to jive and do a bit of an interview, show the world and features off a bit and really get a feel for you and find a real position in the party we can work together on creating a reality. Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you!

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