1. Game Name Freeborn
2. Paid/Free Free
3. Platform, Voice/Text Discord Voice/Text (<#879547551529979914>) & FoundryVTT on Forge (contact on Discord <@Fashtas#5092>)
4. System & Setting Cypher System
5. Available Space 2+ spots
6. Time, Timezone, & Day 7:30PM, gmt+10, Wednesday (AUSTRALIAN TIME!) 2021-10-13T08:30:00Z
7. Rules
Cypher system, new players and those who have never heard of Cypher Welcome!
8. Synopsis
A shattered tribe, refuges from a Nameless enemy defeated with a name.
Now you are wandering the wilds, discovering that the world is not what you thought. Terrible cold metal weapons of war that can kill from a great distance with fire and thunder. Flying vehicles of unknown steel and now you are faced with technology that you have never seen before as you confront the creators of these devices.
Still, your magic, the stories of the tribal shaman and your companions will surely aid you in the days to come.
This world holds magic, and, apparently, advanced weapons, guns and terrible things that can kill from beyond your sight. We are also discovering strange people, certainly not from these lands, maybe not even this world as we travel from our small comfortable tribal home out into the wilds.