Im new to the whole online gaming scene. I have been playing and running games since 2nd edition. Been commited to PF1e since it cama out and have played with the same group of people for almost 30 years. Im looking for a group with new players and an experienced GM. Im wanting to see how others run and others play so I can improve on my own shortcomings and abilities. Im also wanting to just play. Beinf the GM for almost 15 years has made me rusty on actually just sitting back and playing and playing the game. Also my first post, so not sure if Im saying all the things I need too, but I will learn as I go.
I know the feeling. My group went on to PF2E and I ended up GMing exclusively. When I finally got the chance to play, I was lost.
I currently have 2 Foundry games of PF2E that alter weeks and have space for additional players. One is homebrew run by me and the other is set to be a new Adventure Path run by another GM. He has GMing experience going back to early PF1E, and I’ve run games since AD&D 1e. The rest of the players are also experienced platers and GMs. I just broke 400 hours running on Foundry, but still have a lot to learn. That’s one thing we try to do together.
We do not charge to play.