Impossible to access the "configure settings" in Foundry VTT

Hello everyone,

Since I am a new GM on The Forge (pretty cool and usefull btw) it seems I dont get everything about it so I take my change here, to find a solution to my “problem”.
I searched on the forum but didn’t find a clue; my apologies if it was mentioned elsewhere.

So the problem is simple; inside my world I cannot access to the “configure settings”, even if I am logged as the GM. By clicking on the “configure settings” button, nothing is happening. The window with all the configuring options is not opening. The other buttons such as “world edit”, “manage modules” are working properly by opening the concerned window.

Is there a solution to that ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Problem solved :
For the record; using the module “Foundry Token Patroller” causes the problem.