Patreon Integration through Foundry Gaming
Do you want to install premium content through Foundry Gaming’s Patreon integration? Check out how to link your Patreon to your Foundry Gaming account here: Premium Content | Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Once you have linked your Foundry Gaming account to your Patreon, you will be able to install this content on The Forge shortly afterward.
Patreon Integration on The Bazaar
The Forge also has a separate integration, through The Bazaar. The Bazaar is The Forge’s marketplace service, allowing users to purchase content from their favorite creators. It also offers the ability for users to access content from their favorite Patreon Creators as well.
For most packages offered through Patreon integration, users must be subscribed at Story Teller or higher to use it. You can check the required tier by hovering over the ?
tooltip of the package.
We explain how it works below.
How to Install Patreon Content
Before Installing
Not every creator who offers content compatible with Foundry VTT will offer Patreon integration through The Bazaar. If you want to subscribe to a Bazaar Creator’s Patreon to access their content on The Bazaar, make sure to do the following:
- That they offer their content through our Patreon integration.
- That they offer the content you want through their Patreon integration (Bazaar Creators can pick and choose content to offer through Patreon integration).
- And that the content will be available at a tier and contribution level of your choice.
Every package on The Bazaar available through Patreon integration will have an overlay like the one below:
By hovering over the question mark icon on a package, you can preview the tier, and minimum lifetime contribution required to access the content in question.
Accessing and Installing
To obtain content through Patreon integration, take the following steps:
- Navigate to/find the appropriate package on The Bazaar.
- Select the green “Install” button on the Patreon banner (if it is not available, verify you have met the eligibility requirements for Patreon installation. See the prior section for more details).
- You can now enable/view the content in-game! If it is an asset package, it will be available under the Bazaar tab, under assets. If the content is a module, you can now enable the module in-game like any other module.
Other Notes
Our Patreon Integration differs from purchasing a package in a few ways.
- Users can download content purchased traditionally, but cannot download content obtained through our Patreon integration.
- If you become ineligible to access a package through Patreon integration where you were previously, any already installed/enabled content will remain installed. However, once the content is removed, you will be unable to install it. In addition, you will no longer receive updates for Patreon integration content until you become eligible again.