How to access local files on your Foundry VTT instance

Warning: Please note that these instructions only apply for users wishing to access files from their local installation of Foundry VTT, which is distinct and separate from any games/files stored on The Forge.

This guide is for users searching for how to access their local data for uploading to our import wizard, or otherwise might need to access local Foundry VTT data instead of their games on The Forge.

How to access local Foundry VTT files

On Windows

You can access your Foundry VTT files quickly by launching Foundry VTT. From there, right click on Foundry VTT in your taskbar, and select Browse User Data.

From here, select the folder named Data. All of your worlds, modules, and assets will be here.

On Mac

You can find your local files on Mac in the following file location: ~/Library/Application Support/FoundryVTT

On Linux

You can find your local files on Linux in the following possible locations (in order of availability):
