Help me Playtest Torg Eternity RPG - Multiple Realities Invade Earth!

Time/Date: Thursdays @ 6PM Pacific Time (GMT -7), Duration ~3 hours
Seats Open: 6
System: Torg Eternity
Platform: Foundry, Discord
Type: Campaign
Cost: FREE for Playtesting
Pitch: Have you ever played Torg? Ever heard of it? It’s a mixed-genre, overlapping reality kind of setting! “Later Today, Sometime Tomorrow, Early next week…the world began to end!” Invaders from other dimensions, other “realities”, are invading earth all at the same time, turning pockets of Earth into “someplace else.” They are imposing their home realities over ours, and the rules change when you enter those places. Learn them, or you may succomb to them permanently!

I am an experienced Torg GM, but am new to the Foundry version. I have run other systems on Foundry for 2 years now, but I want to get some practice at the system in FVTT to make sure it plays well and flows the way I like it! Come along for the ride! The playtest will continue as long as I am getting used to the system online.

We are going to play out DAY ONE of the invasion! This adventure is designed to teach you the system using pre-generted characters that experience the invasion in different parts of the world. We begin with “The Living Land” that invades New York with a highly spiritual but primitive land of dinosaur-like creatures. Then we start again with new characters in the UK as “Aysle” brings a high fantasy reality full of dwarves, elves, and magic. Panning over to eastern Asia, new PCs will face the subtle “Pan-Pacifica” reality of high tech and intrigue. Then to the heart of Russia where PCs will feel the terror of invading Technodemons from “Tharkold” and the pain that they bring. Take a breath, but only for a moment, as we swing over to Northern Africa to witness with new characters “The Nile Empire” and its fearsome “Dr. Mobius” impose its world laws of pulp action and drama, along with a healthy dose of madmen and their “weird science” inventions. A quick jaunt up to France with new characters, players will experience the arrival of the “Cyberpapacy” as a dark ages inquisition brings cyberware to the people so they can commune with God on the Godnet. And finally, to the Indian sub-continent where the most dreadful reality of them all…where the darkness is as real as the horrific monsters of “Orrorsh” that lay in wait within it.

Also check out the super cool cards that play into how the game works, too! (Now also native to Foundry) Mind-bending fun! But this game is not well-known at all, so looking to give some adventurous players the chance to learn to play the game with an excellent “Day One” adventure that will last 10-12 sessions.

This game is full for now. But I will start another soon. Message me if you are interested in getting involved with that, and I will message you when it’s ready.